Monday, June 18, 2007

Movie of us getting kicked of the the Presidents Office

DePaul students being threated with expulsion while they are protesting the decesion to deny tenure to Prof. Norman Finkelstein and Mehrene Larudee. The Dean of Students keeps referencing the Student Handbook- which says the penalty for our actions was suspension and/or expulsion. Faculty and Staff were threated with arrest and the police did show up.



Anonymous said...

"Time to transfer"

Anonymous said...

The Dean actually looks like the reasonable one here.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your unwillingness to be duped by external powers. They can bribe and dig dirt on your administrators, but it will be always difficult to corrupt the young!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear students at DePaul,

You are living proof that professor Finkelstein’s integrity and dedication to stand up for truth and justice has been passed on to the next generation. Carry on!! The propaganda Leviathan has a hole in its belly, we just have to keep looking for it!

To the 12:24 pm anonymous ranter: There is little difference between your blind hatred - equating an entire people with the actions of its corrupt elements - and the mud shovelers in league with Dershowitz. In fact I suspect you are nothing more than a proud member of the aforementioned league of hoodlums, implementing famous strategy number two: discrediting the dissident from within their own support groups. But hey, everyone has the right to speak their mind, regardless of however delusional they may be.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 12:24!
Norman himself is a Jew, for your information. Myself too.
Did Dersh asked you to post this anti-semitic rant? He loves to call all his foes anti-semites. And if they are not - he will jump out of his knickerbockers to make 'em look like they are. And what can be easier than anonymous posting?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this excellent video.

Some feedback. It is difficult to hear what is being said in places. Is there any way you can boost the sound?

The other thing is that I can barely read the text on your blog because of the colour scheme. The background needs to be a paler shade of red and fonts need to be bigger and more bold.

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